Testing CICS
Testing mainframe applications, such as CICS screens, for usability is significantly different than testing a web or windows application. CICS applications excel in data entry environments in which a mouse is seldom used, such as use within a call center, and testing should keep this benefit and intended application in mind.
One list of test cases for CICS, posted on techtarget, focuses on a few key categories of errors:
1) Text, text-placement, and omission errors. This includes labels that do not appear, labels that appear in the wrong place, and labels that have incorrect wording, spelling, or grammar.
2) Field placement and field order. These errors include fields that do not appear, fields that appear in the wrong order, and fields where the cursor either starts in the wrong position or advances between fields incorrectly.
3) Screen-level errors. These errors include screens that do not appear or appear in the wrong order, and errors or alerts that either do not appear or appear with incorrect information.
4) Data-level errors. These errors include the entry of valid data that does not appear to be correctly saved, the entry of invalid data that does not create error messages, lookup routines that work incorrectly, and error messages that do not display the correct text.
5) Security errors. These errors include privilege escalation and SQL injection.
Test cases need to be developed that adequately address all of these types of errors. While CICS is significantly different from Windows and web-based applications in terms of target audience and intended use, the overall testing approach within both environments is very similar.
The image above is of Ocean Drive in Miami. Like all pictures on this website, it is taken from google maps.